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Why YOU need a Strength and Conditioning Coach

A Strength and Conditioning Coach is responsible for developing and delivering the physical preparation program for athletes and teams of all levels. S&C Coaches are experts in exercise prescription and physical preparation for athletes of all ages and abilities. Performance programs will encompass both general and specific preparation with the major goals of improving athletic performance, reducing injury risk and developing movement skills and technique. 

Strength, speed and power are primary attributes for all athletes and optimising these specific traits will enhance sporting performance through developing musculoskeletal strength, improving efficient movement patterns and neuromuscular coordination and promoting mobility.

It is not just the domain of elite athletes that can benefit from S&C coaching. Strength and Conditioning Coaches will screen and asses an athlete's physical capacity prior to developing a program specific to the athlete's goals in their chosen sport, positional needs and demands of the sport, strengths/ weaknesses, injury history, phase of season etc. All programs are individualised to promote athletic development, optimise performance and reduce injury risk. 


S&C Coaches can design periodised athletic development programs for the athlete in conjunction with other sports professionals such as the head coach, manager, parents etc. to achieve individual and team goals using a range of methods including; strength and power training, energy system conditioning, speed and agility development, movement drills and skill development, rehab and return to sport, flexibility, mobility, warm ups and recovery protocols suitable for a variety of settings. Body building, power lifting, olympic weightlifting or Crossfit are not appropriate physical preparation programs, unless of course these are the sports you are competing in. Components of such may be a part of some programs but that is to be determined on an individual basis.

Similar to that of a sports coach, school teacher or specialist medical professionals, Strength and Conditioning Coaches are experts in the athletic development field and should be sought by all athletes for specific individualised programs. If you go to a yoga class with a teacher, swim in a squad or learn an instrument with an instructor, then why should you follow any random S&C program that your friend does or something you found on the internet?

Fitness professionals can be great for the general public wanting to improve strength, fitness and overall health but if you are serious about becoming a better athlete you should seek the guidance of an experienced S&C Coach. Fitness professionals and personal trainers are not qualified to provide programming to athletic populations, therefore S&C Coaches are the only professionals qualified to deliver appropriate coaching to athletes in Australia through the governing body- ASCA.

Long Term Athlete Development pathways for youth and juniors is an important part of their journey to becoming a better athlete. LTAD programs are structured programs for athletes from as young as 6y to 18y, starting with FUNdamental movement patterns, skill development and body awareness progressing to strength, power and competitive performance. If a child is participating in structured sports, they are therefore old enough to commence structured athletic development programs to improve health and performance. Youth and adolescents can also gain positive benefits from S&C programs from improving general Physical Activity levels, developing foundational strength and stability, healthy bone development, cardiorespiratory fitness and promoting healthy exercise habits for life. 

In contrast, masters athletes can also gain positive performance outcomes from maintaining strength and muscle mass, strengthening bones, maintaining VO2max and preventing injury throughout the ageing process. 

If you are an athlete and are not undertaking a specific strength and conditioning program, then you have a lot to gain from working with a qualified S&C Coach that understands you as and athlete and the requirements of your sport. 

Aaron Ashdown